Marriage is something that most people want to go through. They pick someone who they feel will be their partner in life and love. Sometimes people move too quickly though. Or they don’t realise they’re ready and then they never end up getting married. If you want to know if you’re ready for marriage then let’s take a look at how you can tell.
You’re Committed (And so is Your Partner)
The biggest hindrance to marriage is a lack of commitment. There’s no real shame in not being committed enough. But if you want to get married you have to be committed. Marriage is supposed to a lifetime commitment. If you don’t look at your partner and see yourself staying with them, dealing with your mother-in law, always, through thick and thin, then you just aren’t ready yet and you still need to grow some more.
The Relationship is Stable
As well as being committed you need a stable relationship to get married. This doesn’t mean that you can’t get married if you have some arguments. No relationship is perfect. But if your relationship is toxic and you fight a lot then maybe you aren’t ready. You also shouldn’t get married if you find yourself constantly breaking up and getting back together. Stable relationships make for stable and long lasting marriages.
You Think in Terms of “We” and “Our”
When you think about your future, and the future you have with your partner, are you one entity? Do you think of your future as their future too? This is another big sign. When you think about the future and see yourself with them then it’s a good sign your relationship is in the right place for marriage. If they aren’t in your future plans then don’t make a commitment like marriage. It’s only going to work if you see yourself with them in the long term.
You Accept Their Past
One reason that marriages fail is that you don’t really know enough about your partner. Especially when it comes to their past. The past really does define the future. If you are worried about the past your partner has and the likelihood of it repeating itself then no, you aren’t ready for marriage. You need to know the things that could hinder your marriage, accept them, and move past them. Don’t hide your own past from your partner either. They have to know and accept you too.
You Plan a Marriage, Not a Wedding
There’s a difference between a wedding and a marriage. Everyone wants an ideal wedding, but very few actually consider the marriage that comes with it. You aren’t ready for marriage if all you want is a good wedding. You have to want the lifetime marriage that comes after it.
These are some of the signs that you are ready for marriage. It’s a major decision so please don’t rush it. Don’t forget that all of these points also apply to your partner.
Don’t just ask yourself if you are ready for marriage, ask yourself, and your partner, if they are ready for marriage too. yeah you need to take into account the feelings and opinion of your belved one…